Been a while...
Came to a point where I didn't know where to go... I decided to invest in knowledge (at my age) by joining a group for a Lead Auditor course. It was not cheap. :( and it was not easy either...
We were all 16 in the group, and we met for all Fridays of November, the afternoon of the last Friday being the exam date.
Our tutor was an Indian national and he is very good. He made each meeting interesting and kept us awake in the afternoons.
And then the exam day came...
That's how I really looked like, I guess hehe. Panic set in...and just like what our tutor taught us, when you're nervous, tap your chest lightly, while telling your heart that 'all is well, all is well...' that , all of us did.
I hope I did ok in the exam. The results will be known in 3-4 weeks. So there'll be a lot of praying and finger-crossing these coming weeks.
Good luck to me. :)

'..and with every drop of rain you know i love you more...let it rain all night long, let my love for you grow strong..'
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Proud Mama :)
Had a chat with my son through skype a few nights ago. And what we talked about made me proud of him. I am happy he is sensitive to human frailties and strengths, and he knows which ones to avoid and keep. That reminds me that he was raised well. I am not a perfect mom but I try to teach my kids to be good - plain good manners and right conduct is all. :)
Also, I like the way he works with his colleagues. That is one of my prayers, that he do his best in what he does so he will be loved and appreciated by his colleagues. In the end, he is sought after because they know my son will not let them down.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
May 4th
This date is very special to me. Nope, it's not my birthday.
The first one, May 4, 2008, is when I set foot here in Abu Dhabi. It's stamped on my passport.
The second one, May 4, 2012, is my rebirth. It's stamped on my heart and soul. Yes, you heard it right. I was given the chance to cleanse myself and be baptized by the Holy Spirit! and the experience was fantastic! Amazing! Awesome! Really, words are not enough to describe what happened. And I felt super duper blessed! I felt God's love pour upon me.
I am very happy to have joined the Light of Jesus family here in Abu Dhabi. I think it was God's will really, to have me meet the people who brought me to the family. And I am forever grateful to them.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
How do you react to compliments?
When you receive them, just thank the giver.

But what happened to me, TWICE, (really, to be complimented two times in a span of 3 days is a big deal for me! hehehe..), i laughed out loud and then I thanked the giver.
The first one is related to my previous post. A Pakistani colleague came up to me on that day and said: 'You know, you look more handsome today..' :). and his face was so sincere. Then I laughed! I knew what he meant (I hope) and thanked him.
The second one was two days after. I took a taxi and had small talk with the driver. He asked if I am a Filipina, so I told him yes. But he said I don't look like one because I'm not 'pango' (flat nosed). Then I laughed! And thanked him, of course, because that was the first time someone told me I'm not pango! hehehe..
Talk about ego boost!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Being left alone in the room leaves so much things for me to do. I don't know. I've noticed that about me. When i am with somebody, I become Ms. Lazybones. :( coz i know someone's there to do what needs to be done. But when I'm alone, I get to achieve the to-do lists for the day :) Guess you'll think twice now to take me in as a roommate huh?
Like today, I didn't go to work coz I have an appointment for my national ID here in UAE. It's a workday so everyone else is at work. And guess what? I cooked arroz caldo!!! he he...
It's a rare occurrence really. And I'm happy with the result. yum!
I forgot to take a picture of my finished product. I just grabbed this pic from the website above because it looked like the one I did. Looks yummy too! :)
Fear Overcome
Are you going to just sit in your boat and watch the rest of the world go by, or will you jump out and refuse to live afraid? ~Joyce Meyer
I'm feeling good...yesterday morning, at work, a few of my colleagues noticed me, as in complimented me. Not that I did something different with my hair, my face. No, nothing. They said maybe I had a good night's sleep. And I thought to myself, I even slept later than most nights because I watched the 7th episode of The Voice. Or maybe because it was the first time I wore my white Hanes tee and jeans to flatmate told me it made me look younger.
But really, the night before, before I closed my eyes, I resolved to let go - of all my worries and fears. I have many you see. But I told myself to stop being afraid. I don't want to be afraid anymore. Because it reduces me into someone I know I'm not. And I don't like it. And I know only myself can do something about it. And I willed it.
So maybe I radiated a new glow? That's why I looked different? I just felt more confident and sure of myself. Ready to face the world and conquer my fears. That's what I want to believe! :)
I'm feeling good...yesterday morning, at work, a few of my colleagues noticed me, as in complimented me. Not that I did something different with my hair, my face. No, nothing. They said maybe I had a good night's sleep. And I thought to myself, I even slept later than most nights because I watched the 7th episode of The Voice. Or maybe because it was the first time I wore my white Hanes tee and jeans to flatmate told me it made me look younger.
So maybe I radiated a new glow? That's why I looked different? I just felt more confident and sure of myself. Ready to face the world and conquer my fears. That's what I want to believe! :)
Saturday, February 4, 2012
I luv surprises!
I think this is the third surprise for Megan already! The second one was by her friends in the university since her birthday fell on a school day... anyway, this one was by her high school friends, who even though they went to different colleges, remained in touch with each other (not so hard really since we're practically neighbors!)
Again, there was this secret group in FB where we conspired and planned everything. This time, i was able to record my message for Meg.
And her friends said it was my video message that made her cry...:(
I miss my baby.
Again, there was this secret group in FB where we conspired and planned everything. This time, i was able to record my message for Meg.
I miss my baby.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
At last! It's over! Megan's birthday surprise was a success. Big thanks to those who helped. Her cousins and titos and titas, and most especially to her brother, Alvin, who made her cry (ok, sniffle) with his message. I was online almost the whole time (thanks to Skype), maybe for almost 6 hours! I was not able to record my message for her so I did it live online - rapping! But the audio on their part was not so clear so FAIL! Anyway, Alvin said he'll do a video documentary of the occasion so I better do my rap again and this time, i'm gonna record it.
So, I'll be rappin' and recordin' for a while yeah!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Surprise for Megan! :)
Megan is my daughter, she'll be 18 on the 26th, it falls on a Thursday so her brother, cousins and I decided to surprise her today! We formed a secret group in Facebook and planned all the details there. Since I am away, :(, I can only do remote supervision and of course, fund the surprise!
This is a photoshopped pic of Megan taken maybe 2 years ago haha! Her cousin edited her get-up cause the party's theme is hip hop! They're going to use this in the photobooth print outs. Isn't she cute? Lol!!
I will post more of the surprise party later.... woohooo!
This is a photoshopped pic of Megan taken maybe 2 years ago haha! Her cousin edited her get-up cause the party's theme is hip hop! They're going to use this in the photobooth print outs. Isn't she cute? Lol!!
I will post more of the surprise party later.... woohooo!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Blog and post, now i know hehe.....
I need help regarding my blogs. Because i'm a newbie here, didn't know the difference between a blog and a post! When i wanted to make a new post, i clicked on 'new blog'....:(. That's why when i view my dashboard, there are 5 blogs, but only one has posts! I want to delete the other 4 ...but i don't know how...i hope someone will read this and be able to help. :)
Well, i just did a little exploring and voila! I've deleted the blank blogs! peanuts! hahaha!!
Well, i just did a little exploring and voila! I've deleted the blank blogs! peanuts! hahaha!!
Monday, January 16, 2012
and look at where my audience are from:
i don't know what brought them here, but am i glad!! no, ecstatic! haha!!
(notice the exclamation marks?)!!!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
post post
been a long time! i have completely forgotten about this blog haha!! don't know why or what happened..maybe i've been too busy/preoccupied with my upcoming vacay back was uneventful, nothing spectacular happened, well, except for
1.) a minor renovation at home, where i was able to take around 15 steps from the sofa to the toilet, where as before, i took only 5 :) ;
2.) i was reunited with my cousins, whom i haven't seen for the longest time, (except for helen);
3.) visited my nanay's grave for the first time, offered mass for her first death anniversary;
4.) was able to attend my uncle and aunt's 50th wedding celebration and got to meet old friends and family;
5.) got to sing and dance in the rain ;
6.) but of course, nothing beats being with my family again..and it was so bitin!
haaay...looking forward to going back home again...hopefully in december (fingers crossed) :)
1.) a minor renovation at home, where i was able to take around 15 steps from the sofa to the toilet, where as before, i took only 5 :) ;
2.) i was reunited with my cousins, whom i haven't seen for the longest time, (except for helen);
3.) visited my nanay's grave for the first time, offered mass for her first death anniversary;
4.) was able to attend my uncle and aunt's 50th wedding celebration and got to meet old friends and family;
5.) got to sing and dance in the rain ;
6.) but of course, nothing beats being with my family again..and it was so bitin!
haaay...looking forward to going back home again...hopefully in december (fingers crossed) :)
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